Conference Deals
Verato - Meeting Pod #300
Get a Complimentary Identity Consultation with Verato -- the industry's first hMDM
Tell Me MorePointClickCare - Booth #3901
Enjoy some wine and cheese while learning about care coordination technology and take home a Wellbe Bear!
Tell Me MoreAuthX - Booth #863
Secure your digital world with AuthX: Free Demo and $25 Gift Card at HIMSS.
Tell Me MorePointClickCare - Booth #3901
Visit the PointClickCare booth for a demo and win a Yeti Rambler.
Tell Me MoreTouchPoint Medical - Booth #5181
With this HIMSS Daily Deal, we are offering the chance to win 1 of 5 FREE Rocketbook smart notebooks.
Tell Me MoreArtera - Booth #4263
Schedule and attend a meeting with Artera to receive a $25 Amazon gift card and be entered to win an iPad Pro!
Tell Me MoreCherry Americas - Booth #4265
Need a disinfectable keyboard or mouse? Meet with us and tell us what you need and where it will be used, we will give you our recommendations and a $50 Amazon gift card.
Tell Me MoreEmergent Connect - Booth #4671
Emergent Connect is a leading provider of PACS/RIS software solutions. We provide a true 100% cloud-based platform for radiologists nationwide.
Tell Me MoreHealth Gorilla - Booth #3121
See how Health Gorilla can enhance your clinical workflows with comprehensive patient data from a national network.
Tell Me More